What is a Repeater?

Why should I know how to use a repeater?

A repeater acts as a range enhancer for GMRS and HAM frequency radios. It operates by receiving and then rebroadcasting radio signals, allowing them to cover a wider area than what a standard handheld or mobile radio can achieve on its own. These devices are best installed at elevated locations to guarantee the broadest possible signal distribution, letting it transmit above and over obstructions that would normally block signals at ground level.

Powerful and advanced, these towers receive, amplify, and retransmit signals across vast distances, enabling seamless communication in diverse and challenging terrain.

Two-way radios, including GMRS, function best when there's a direct line of sight between them. For example, with zero obstructions, a walkie-talkie can provide clear communication over distances of 5, 10, or even 15-plus miles. The presence of barriers such as trees, hills, and mountains can greatly reduce any radio's range.

One of the major benefits of utilizing GMRS is the ability to use a GMRS repeater for maximum range in difficult terrains. To make this happen, you will need a repeater-capable mobile or handheld radio.

With over 1,700 repeaters nationwide, a repeater-friendly radio could get you a maximum range where cell signal is impossible.

To learn about Richmond County REACT repeaters CLICK HERE.